Feature #767
closedFeature #751: BugZilla migration
switch the DNS entry for bugs.documentfoundation.org (and bugs.libreoffice.org) to our production box
When the BugZilla migration is going on, we need to switch the DNS entry for bugs.libreoffice.org to our production box, verifying TTL is set to a low value
Please coordinate with infra a few days before the planned migration on that
edit: bugs.libreoffice.org, not bugs.bugzilla.org
Updated by Robinson Tryon over 10 years ago
- Subject changed from switch the DNS entry for bugs.bugzilla.org to our production box to switch the DNS entry for bugs.libreoffice.org (bugs.documentfoundation.org ?) to our production box
1) Updated subject line
2) I think there's still an open question about whether the url should be bugs.libreoffice.org or bugs.documentfoundation.org
On the one hand, "bugs.libreoffice.org" is much more guessable for LibreOffice users and is shorter to type.
On the other hand, we have bugs for other products (such as the Android Impress Remote), so taxonomically speaking, it would make more sense for the projects to be organized under a TDF url.
One compromise would be for the canonical url to be "bugs.documentfoundation.org", with "bugs.libreoffice.org" as a redirect, and make the front page say "Bug Tracker for LibreOffice (and other TDF projects)". We could optionally add something like bugs.tdf.io as a short-url redirect.
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 10 years ago
My take:
Whenever a component can be used for more products in theory, like
BugZilla, let's use the TDF address. Same as with
download.documentfoundation.org instead of download.libreoffice.org
Updated by Robinson Tryon over 10 years ago
- Subject changed from switch the DNS entry for bugs.libreoffice.org (bugs.documentfoundation.org ?) to our production box to switch the DNS entry for bugs.documentfoundation.org (and bugs.libreoffice.org) to our production box
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Florian Effenberger wrote:
My take:
Whenever a component can be used for more products in theory, like
BugZilla, let's use the TDF address. Same as with
download.documentfoundation.org instead of download.libreoffice.org
Okay. I'll proceed with the TDF address.
I think that bugs.documentfoundation.org isn't in use yet, so we can point that to the production box even before the migration begins. We'll can switch bugs.libreoffice.org over during the migration itself.
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 10 years ago
I didn't have on my screen indeed that bugs.libreoffice.org is in use already
My proposal is to use bugs.documentfoundation.org, have bugs.libreoffice.org be an alias/redirect to it
- talk to infra about setting up the virtual host
- likewise for the redirection rules
- talk to infra for ensuring DNS entries set up, and DNS TTL low (this is important, otherwise the migration will be blocked if DNS TTL is too high!)
I had expected to see a short discussion on the hostname way before migration, there was lots of time. Kicking off a discussion right now is probably too late and will delay endlessly.
Updated by Robinson Tryon over 10 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
What needs doing:
- talk to infra about setting up the virtual host
- likewise for the redirection rules
- talk to infra for ensuring DNS entries set up, and DNS TTL low (this is important, otherwise the migration will be blocked if DNS TTL is too high!)
These are all done. Both DNS entries have TTL of 300, so it'll take just a few minutes for them to update during the migration phase.
I've added two steps to the migration schedule
1) Move DNS entries to our temp-migration silverstripe page
2) (at the end) Move DNS entries to point to the TDF Bugzilla VM
I think we can close this bug out now.
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 10 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed