Task #1402
openBugzilla maintenance
Our Bugzilla instance needs regular maintenance. This involves:
- updating to most recent minor/micro version
- dealing with locked accounts
- helping new users to confirm their accounts
- managing user rights
Updated by Robinson Tryon over 9 years ago
- https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/QA/Bugzilla/Administration - General tasks for the admin
- https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/QA/Bugzilla/Gardening - Maintaining a clean/valid set of bugs and bug-states
Often, particular problems will take a bit of time to resolve, but will end up being a nuance on the user's end. Notes, warnings, and documentation helps reduce the workload, but does not entirely eliminate the inquiries.
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 9 years ago
- Assignee changed from Robinson Tryon to Christian Lohmaier
Updated by Florian Effenberger about 9 years ago
- Related to Task #1480: Bugzilla 5.0 added
Updated by Florian Effenberger almost 9 years ago
- Related to deleted (Task #1480: Bugzilla 5.0)
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 8 years ago
- Assignee changed from Christian Lohmaier to Xisco Fauli Tarazona
Updated by Florian Effenberger about 8 years ago
Our Bugzilla instance seems to be on the recent 5.0 version, that's great news! :-)
Just to know whose pile this is: Do you (Xisco) handle the updates or is this done by Guilhem or Cloph, so we can assign the ticket accordingly?
Updated by Xisco Fauli Tarazona about 8 years ago
So far I haven't handled any Bugzilla update as 5.0.3 ( the latest ) was released on May 16, 2016, before I stated working for the TDF. I'll sync with Cloph and Guillhem once a new release comes out to see who will handle it.
Updated by Florian Effenberger almost 8 years ago
Xisco Fauli Tarazona wrote:
So far I haven't handled any Bugzilla update as 5.0.3 ( the latest ) was released on May 16, 2016, before I stated working for the TDF. I'll sync with Cloph and Guillhem once a new release comes out to see who will handle it.
Still seems to be the state of play. There's 5.1.1 - maintained in parallel to 5.0.3 - but unless there's some strong demand, let's not touch a running system and just regularly check for updates. If there's an RSS/mailing list for BZ update announces, let's get subscribed to that.
Updated by Xisco Fauli Tarazona almost 8 years ago
According to this page https://www.bugzilla.org/news/#release503:
Bugzilla 5.1.1 is an unstable development release. This release has not received QA testing from the Bugzilla Project, and should not be used in production environments.
Updated by Florian Effenberger about 7 years ago
Is there any update planned in the near future?
Are we up to date especially wrt. security patches?
Last week a minor version of Bugzilla was released.
I plan to update it this week/next week
Updated by Florian Effenberger about 7 years ago
Please avoid editing my old comments, but instead reply with a separate comment - otherwise I get no notification whatsoever of the change/reply. :-)
What Xisco wrote is:
Last week a minor version of Bugzilla was released.
I plan to update it this week/next week
Updated by Florian Effenberger almost 7 years ago
Are we up to date for the moment?
We still need to upgrade to 5.0.4. It was upgraded on the test instance and it needs to be deployed in prod now. Waiting for Infra to take action
Updated by Guilhem Moulin almost 7 years ago
Given that vm150 is our last Debian 7 (Wheezy, EOL May 31) VM we decided to trash it and deploy Bugzilla on a fresh Debian 9 VM using our new salt baseline. ETA is last week of May.
Updated by Guilhem Moulin almost 7 years ago
Just moved the instance to a brand new Debian 9 (codename Stretch) VM, and upgraded Bugzilla to 5.0.4.
Updated by Florian Effenberger almost 6 years ago
Seems 5.0.6 is out - any urge to upgrade, or just irrelevant fixes for us?
Updated by Guilhem Moulin almost 6 years ago
Florian Effenberger wrote:
Seems 5.0.6 is out - any urge to upgrade, or just irrelevant fixes for us?
Nothing urgent: https://www.bugzilla.org/releases/5.0.6/release-notes.html . OTOH there is a lot of code refactoring and code style changes that made rebasing our changes difficult. This was discussed in the Feb 12 team call:
- [q] Task #1402: Bugzilla maintenance - https://redmine.documentfoundation.org/issues/1402
https://github.com/bugzilla/bugzilla/releases (bugs.tdf currently runs 5.0.4)
guilhem: rebased tdf customisation on top of 5.0.X, ready for testing on vm144- Xisco will test after his return from Japan.
Deploying the changes on vm144 is still blocking on me.
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 4 years ago
5.0.6 seems still recent as of today