



Task #3114


Task #3113: KG22.03 - Grow Non-Coding Community

KG22.03.1 - Encourage Italo, Mike, Heiko, Sophie, Olivier, Xisco, Ilmari to grow community

Added by Nicolas Christener about 5 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

Target version:
Team - Qlater
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Status summary:
Want to measure effects. First ideas shared in ticket. Have plan the next week. Ilmari to lead.
Actions #1

Updated by Nicolas Christener about 5 years ago

  • Parent task set to #3113
Actions #2

Updated by Nicolas Christener about 5 years ago

  • Subject changed from KG22.03.1 Encourage Italo, Mike, Heiko, Sophie, Olivier, Xisco, Ilmari to grow community to KG22.03.1 - Encourage Italo, Mike, Heiko, Sophie, Olivier, Xisco, Ilmari to grow community
Actions #3

Updated by Thorsten Behrens almost 5 years ago

  • Private changed from No to Yes
Actions #4

Updated by Nicolas Christener almost 5 years ago

  • Private changed from Yes to No
Actions #5

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • a recurring / permanent item (Florian)
    • eg. documentation meeting attendance grows
  • emphasis on growth rather doing the work (Michael)
    • can we quantify and track this ?
    • AI: create some KPIs that we can measure. (Florian)
    • would like this too (Thorsten)
  • season of docs gets us a new volunteer (Florian)
Actions #6

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 4 years ago

Some first thoughts from the team on how to measure success:

  • you need to lead, be active, participate, so people can follow
  • team could write down from their experience and memories, focus on the stories
    -> feel free to send to Mike for proofing/feedback, and collecting into blog posts, quotes on social media etc.
  • participation in meetings
  • Dashboard covers wiki, Ask, Weblate, BugZilla
  • Bug Hunting Sessions, participants and bugs triaged
  • user mailing lists, globally and locally
  • for the design team it's Telegram what grows (slowly) while the number of people on the ML rather degrades
  • people posting on blogs
Actions #7

Updated by Michael Meeks over 4 years ago

I would like to see some numerical KPIs - of course these are not everything; but something we can track.

  • number of people on IRC
  • number of people on dev mailing list
  • attendees at relevant meetings
  • new volunteers with translations, commits, etc.
  • overall number of translations etc.

Would be good to pull these out and aggregate them into a chart so we can see progress in each area by month I think =)

Actions #8

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 4 years ago

As the goal is explicitly aboutthe non-coding community, we might want to replace (or extend) IRC by other channels that are in wide use, like Telegram
For the mailing lists, except the ones, we have statistics we can aggregate at

Actions #9

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 4 years ago

  • Target version set to Qlater

Not really so much has happened in the past weeks, so I'd like to give this ticket more attention. The task at hand here is to identify some indicators on community growth. Although it's a joint effort, I'd like one of the team wear the hat, collect ideas and discuss with the others in the team, with a timeline of the next 14 days. Will assign the ticket respectively.

Actions #10

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 4 years ago

Some more thouhgts collected from the last milestone call:

  • emphasis on growth rather doing the work
  • GSoD and documentation meetings
  • sharing own stories, experiences and memories
  • measuring success: meetings, Dashboard stats, Bug Hunting Sessions, mailing list subscribers, Telegram groups, blog writers, IRC, translations etc.
  • How accurate is the IRC stats at least for developers?
  • People idling around
  • Bridging things are important
  • Keep in mind some NLC groups are active elswhere, eg. Facebook
Actions #11

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 4 years ago

  • Status summary set to Want to measure effects. First ideas shared in ticket. Have plan the next two weeks. Mike, Ilmari or Sophie to lead.
Actions #12

Updated by Beluga Beluga over 4 years ago

  • Assignee set to Beluga Beluga
Actions #13

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 4 years ago

  • Status summary changed from Want to measure effects. First ideas shared in ticket. Have plan the next two weeks. Mike, Ilmari or Sophie to lead. to Want to measure effects. First ideas shared in ticket. Have plan the next week. Ilmari to lead.
Actions #14

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 4 years ago

  • controversy: growth vs. doing the work (Ilmari)
  • role changing for team?
    • grow amount of time/parts we support others and share knowledge (Florian)
  • already quite some public reporting, e.g. QA report, monthly recap - move QA blog stories etc. to main TDF blog?
    • pure metrics can be misleading, it's just one indicator - what actually is a healthy community? (Florian)
    • also sometimes unclear to ourselves if something is successful or not
  • 3.100 FB members, language is a barrier - time for automated translations? (Olivier)
  • are tools good w/ technical jargon? (Guilhem) - estimates 95% (Olivier)
  • multilanguage tooling becomes more and more important (Ilmari)
    AI everyone: give feedback on Ilmari's question by next week's team call
Actions #15

Updated by Mike Saunders over 4 years ago

A bunch of proposals to improve the "Get involved" page, making it more welcoming and useful:

Actions #16

Updated by Mike Saunders over 4 years ago

I've made some improvements to the "Get involved" page:

  • Photos of the various people who oversee different projects, to make the page more personal and welcoming
  • I've also added some examples of what actually happens in each project, eg concrete examples of what people can do (such as "Guidebooks – Online help – FAQs" for documentation)

Still to do: add interviews with community members for each project

Actions #17

Updated by Mike Saunders over 4 years ago

Mike Saunders wrote:

Still to do: add interviews with community members for each project

Also: add a section to the "Get involved" page for web developers - we really need help there.

Indeed, this could be done as a separate drive: blog post, call to action, social media, Reddit etc. Get aspiring web developers on our side: a great way to build up experience in a well-known FOSS project etc.

Of course, we can't give everyone full access to SilverStripe and all our infra, but if people can suggest changes and fixes to make our web presences better, that'd be great.

Actions #18

Updated by Mike Saunders over 4 years ago

Also made a blog post using the new "Get involved" images:

Actions #19

Updated by Mike Saunders over 4 years ago

I've expanded our metrics for community activity (non-coding_community_metrics.ods in the TDF Team folder) to include Documentation team call participants, along with mailing list activity for the Documentation and Marketing projects. I'll also try to get stats from Telegram channel activity.

Actions #20

Updated by Beluga Beluga almost 3 years ago

  • Assignee deleted (Beluga Beluga)
Actions #21

Updated by Italo Vignoli over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed

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