Task #3234
Allow sort default extension list by date, newer first, or better, let user choose sort date ascending/descending
Added by Olivier Hallot over 4 years ago.
Updated almost 4 years ago.
Target version:
Team - Q1/2021
The current default extension list order is older first (today I see PIMACO labels I uploaded during test phase).
We could set the default sort list to newer first, where the date pick is the date of last extension update.
It will turn the entry page of the extension to a dynamic page, with novelties first.
- Assignee set to Christian Lohmaier
- Priority changed from Normal to High
Maybe go with a dropdown next to Search.
- Target version set to Q3/2020
To day the list is by no specific order. Or so it seems.
I'd prefer an alphabetical list which anyone may analyze and understand easily (at least in Western countries :)
sorting isn't implemented, at least the sorting as it is now is useless.
- Target version changed from Q3/2020 to Q4/2020
accepting, might even get to it later this week, if not then week after the next
- Target version changed from Q4/2020 to Q1/2021
- Due date set to 2021-03-21
- Status changed from New to Resolved
default sort alphabetical, ascending, with options to sort alphabetically descending and same for last edited desc/asc
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
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