



Feature #400


Add multilingual feeds to the TDF planet

Added by Charles-H. Schulz over 10 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:




We need to add feeds in languages other than English to the official TDF planet. This may involve a change in our planet/rss aggregation platform.

  • Ability to display UTF8 and non occidential glyphs
  • Ability to sort through the languages in order to have a customized rss feed
  • Define the first languages we must support at first: european/cyrillic, european/occidential, RTL glyphs, CJK...
  • Define the ability to sort feeds by languages : at first, only set this on everything/English only
  • Choose platform: use an existing one (OpenSuse blog planet?), customize an existing one with out own improvements?


planetsuse.pot (4.54 KB) planetsuse.pot translation template Christian Lohmaier, 2014-11-03 19:29
Actions #1

Updated by Charles-H. Schulz over 10 years ago

Other task:
-> collect the new, non English feeds

Actions #2

Updated by Christian Lohmaier over 10 years ago

big question is whether it should be a multilingual planet that can be filtered using tags, or whether the languages should be completely separated.

Actions #3

Updated by Charles-H. Schulz over 10 years ago

Based on the little feedback we got, I suggest we adopt a system à la OpenSuse; one English feed, one international set of feeds.
Next task:
*investigate the platform itself
*collect the feeds

Actions #4

Updated by Christian Lohmaier about 10 years ago

Hi *,

did setup a test site using the opensuse planet at (no DNS-name, so add

to your /etc/hosts

I only rudimentarily changed the css/styling a little, so the css needs rework.

The functionality on the admin side is pretty straightforward, although you have to specify the language on the feed entry (but it is possible to add two feeds to one name) - so people writing in both English and their native language would have to provide appropriate categories/separate feeds to be able to be aggregated properly.

rawdog (the feed-fetcher that is used by the setup) truncates the postings while planetplanet (the currently used aggregator on shows the full posting. I don't know what is preferable.

Actions #5

Updated by Dennis Roczek about 10 years ago

I like it. :-) is a bit SUSE'isch ;-)

Under 'Actions' the two entries
Keyboard shortcuts • Overview
do not work on my side (and I don't see any warnings and errors at the dev console! using opera 12)

I "miss" the "last updated" statement (a really nice feature for the reader to see if planet still works as intended!)

Actions #6

Updated by Christian Lohmaier about 10 years ago

the overview and keyboard shortcuts trigger don't even work on the opensuse planet :-)) - but I fixed them, also did finish up the styling a bit

Not sure whether it's suitable to insert a last-updated line - as that won't reflect when the feeds were last updated, only when the aggregated html was created from the cached copy of the feeds...

also fixed the feedlist header/footer

Actions #7

Updated by Dennis Roczek about 10 years ago

Not sure whether it's suitable to insert a last-updated line - as that won't reflect when the feeds were last updated, only when the aggregated html was created from the cached copy of the feeds...

well that desn't mater. the reader gets the information that the planet software is not down. if a blog is down or the communication between the blog and planet (and so on) is something different and contains (in most cases) no additional value for the reader. He (or I) simply only wants the information that this is not a static page and the dynamic content would still get updates... ;-)

Actions #8

Updated by Dennis Roczek about 10 years ago


To have your blog added to this aggregator, please read the instructions. --> should also be corrected. ;-)

Actions #9

Updated by Charles-H. Schulz about 10 years ago

So, it seems that it is pretty much what we want, obviously we should embellish the CSS.
Just a few questions from my side:
  • are we constrained in the number of languages available? (on some level we surely are; but I would like to know if there are noticeable constraints)
  • can we select the posts with tags other than languages?

Otherwise, thanks!

Actions #10

Updated by Christian Lohmaier about 10 years ago

no, we are not constrained in the number of langauges, other than the space the list takes :-) Also the list of languages is translated, so if we add more languages that are currently on planetsuse, we'd need to update the translations (or just always default to English)

We're not limited to select by langauge only, we could define extra properties on feeds to group them. (but such grouping would always apply to all the postings of a registered feed-URL). However it is not dynamic. I.e. you cannot filter by whatever tag you like - what should be grouped has to be specified in the configuration file.

We could add javascript based filtering or have it create dedicated pages like it does for the different langauges (depending on what you have in mind)

(PS: I didn't modify the URL re how to get added, as there's no page it could point to yet :-P)

Edit: And also we can of course change rawdog's behaviour to not truncate posting, if we prefer that

Actions #11

Updated by Charles-H. Schulz about 10 years ago

Christian Lohmaier wrote:

no, we are not constrained in the number of langauges, other than the space the list takes :-) Also the list of languages is translated, so if we add more languages that are currently on planetsuse, we'd need to update the translations (or just always default to English)

We're not limited to select by langauge only, we could define extra properties on feeds to group them. (but such grouping would always apply to all the postings of a registered feed-URL). However it is not dynamic. I.e. you cannot filter by whatever tag you like - what should be grouped has to be specified in the configuration file.

We could add javascript based filtering or have it create dedicated pages like it does for the different langauges (depending on what you have in mind)

(PS: I didn't modify the URL re how to get added, as there's no page it could point to yet :-P)

Edit: And also we can of course change rawdog's behaviour to not truncate posting, if we prefer that

Thanks Christian; I think we want to keep the truncated posts. Wrt. the deployment of this new planet, we should thus have a nicer CSS and of course collect the multilingual blogs to be added.
I'll collect these on the lists and then we'll tackle the CSS part.


Actions #12

Updated by Christian Lohmaier about 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback

setting to feedback for the moment - to gather some non-english feeds and input on the css

Actions #13

Updated by Florian Effenberger about 10 years ago

  • Start date changed from 2014-05-15 to 2014-08-10

Proposal: Put what we have live until the end of next week, then close this issue, and when people want new feeds to be added, poke hostmaster@tdf

Actions #14

Updated by Charles-H. Schulz about 10 years ago

Florian Effenberger wrote:

Proposal: Put what we have live until the end of next week, then close this issue, and when people want new feeds to be added, poke hostmaster@tdf

So far, here are the feeds that I have collected based on mailing lists' input:

Multilingual blog planet feeds


Actions #15

Updated by Florian Effenberger about 10 years ago

  • Due date set to 2014-08-10
  • Start date deleted (2014-08-10)
Actions #16

Updated by Florian Effenberger almost 10 years ago

  • Due date changed from 2014-08-10 to 2014-10-31
  • Status changed from Feedback to In Progress

No new feeds have arrived
Cloph will put the existing feeds live by October 31, and then close this ticket; further feeds can be requested by the usual means (mail to hostmaster or website, or Redmine ticket)

Actions #17

Updated by Charles-H. Schulz almost 10 years ago


Actions #18

Updated by Christian Lohmaier almost 10 years ago

enabled it on - the attached planetsuse.pot contains the currently available strings that are flagged as translatable.

Actions #19

Updated by Sophie Gautier almost 10 years ago

Hi Cloph
Christian Lohmaier wrote:

enabled it on - the attached planetsuse.pot contains the currently available strings that are flagged as translatable.

How should we handle that, is Pootle too heavy to add a project for the planet?
Also, I didn't noticed it earlier, is it possible to remove the flags in front of the languages, may be it's an image file that can be removed? Thanks - Sophie

Actions #20

Updated by Christian Lohmaier almost 10 years ago

  • % Done changed from 80 to 90

added the translation template to the website project as "multiplanet.pot" (so multiplanet-lang.po in the individual languages)

(flags have been removed already)

Actions #21

Updated by Florian Effenberger almost 10 years ago

  • Due date changed from 2014-10-31 to 2014-11-30

Main part of task done, just docs for infra-doc missing, thus shifting due date

Actions #22

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 9 years ago

  • Due date deleted (2014-11-30)
  • Priority changed from Normal to Low
Actions #23

Updated by Daniel Armando Rodriguez over 9 years ago

Spanish translations about LibreOffice news and related activity

would you consider add the feed to the planet?

Actions #24

Updated by Christian Lohmaier over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed

sorry for the delay - added to the planet.

also added simple cronjob to check whether traditional planet's feedlist was modified more recently than multilang one, to make sure new (English) feeds are added to both..


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