Feature #754
closedFeature #751: BugZilla migration
update BSA to reflect BugZilla location change
By the day our new BugZilla instance is live, the BSA needs updating to reflect the new URL and, if applicable, new APIs
Rob Snelders and Cloph can provide information on that; a test-drive before is very much desired
Related issues
Updated by Robinson Tryon over 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Florian Effenberger wrote:
By the day our new BugZilla instance is live, the BSA needs updating to reflect the new URL and, if applicable, new APIs
Rob Snelders and Cloph can provide information on that; a test-drive before is very much desired
I expect the test to proceed pretty quickly: We can just point the test-install of the BSA at the test-install of Bugzilla. Tollef will be providing an updated db dump against the newest version of Bugzilla shortly; we can run the test after that point.
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 10 years ago
Did you poke Rob Snelders to see how the BSA needs to be updated, and did you poke Cloph so he's aware he needs to do the magic to make it run?
This does not depend on an actual migration date or a new testing database; people need to be notified in advance and be ready, so it comes not by surprise
The task cannot be completed before the VM runs, but it can be prepared a lot in advance
Updated by Robinson Tryon over 10 years ago
Florian Effenberger wrote:
Did you poke Rob Snelders to see how the BSA needs to be updated, and did you poke Cloph so he's aware he needs to do the magic to make it run?
I've mentioned the BSA updates to both Cloph and Rob. I'm looking forward to finding a good time for us to get together and complete a basic functionality test.
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 10 years ago
- Due date changed from 2014-11-15 to 2014-11-23
As discussed during the call, putting this on the todo for this week
The earlier you poke Cloph and Rob, the better
Updated by Robinson Tryon over 10 years ago
Just did some cursory testing with Rob.
Also pinged alex to get an account for Rob on the VM, so we can next install the BSA locally and run through our tests.
(Rob: Ideally we'll want to factor-out our BSA config so it's controlled by salt states, but we can punt on that for now)
Updated by Robinson Tryon over 10 years ago
- Related to Feature #753: update website link, web services and scripts/tools referring to the old BugZilla instance added
Updated by Robinson Tryon over 10 years ago
I believe Rob has credentials now; will check w/Cloph, etc..
Updated by Rob Snelders over 10 years ago
I haven't received an ok or URL yet. Hopefully I will get that soon so I can try it out this weekend.
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 10 years ago
- Due date changed from 2014-11-23 to 2014-12-14
Should be working now, but please verify this week
Updated by Rob Snelders over 10 years ago
Ok. But I don't know where to login or anything.
Updated by Florian Effenberger about 10 years ago
IMHO it's newdesign.libreoffice.org or bugzilla-test.documentfoundation.org, can you try? Thanks! ;)
Updated by Rob Snelders about 10 years ago
On both servers I get a:
Permission denied (publickey).
Updated by Florian Effenberger about 10 years ago
Any news? Robinson, can you ensure Rob gets access, and poke Cloph if necessary?
My latest information is Rob should have access, but obviously it doesn't seem to work - if we can fix that before the holidays, that'd be great!
Updated by Rob Snelders about 10 years ago
I still can't login. Can this please be solved.
Updated by Florian Effenberger about 10 years ago
Robinson: Did you talk to Cloph before his vacation?
Cloph is offline until January 6 and it would have been ideal to have
that dealt with before, this the due date in this ticket... ;-)
Rob: Can you try logging in as newdesign@newdesign.libreoffice.org using
your SSH key? Just manually added that, but I fear I can't help out
further on the setup, only know that in /var/www/sites/newdesign.libreoffice.org
there should be the
respective website
Updated by Rob Snelders about 10 years ago
I get the permission denied before I get a password-request. I had given Alex also a password-hash to set so I assume I should also get a request for this password.
Updated by Florian Effenberger about 10 years ago
Login only works via SSH key, not via password. I have used the SSH key
you previously had on kermit already, one of our web servers.
Login per se works, as I can get onto the machine using my key.
Did your key change? If so, can you privately e-mail me your current SSH
Updated by Florian Effenberger about 10 years ago
Got the new key from Rob and added it to the machine, waiting for his feedback now if access works
Updated by Rob Snelders about 10 years ago
It works. Thnx
Now I can login on newdesign. But where is the bugzilla/BSA-instance?
I can't login onto the bugzilla-test.documentfoundation.org. What is the username for that machine?
Updated by Florian Effenberger about 10 years ago
IMHO Cloph suggested to use the newdesign machine for the BSA testing. I
had hoped this could be sorted out before the holiday break, but it
seems it didn't. :-) I lack insight here, so for the moment the only
thing I can ask is:
Robinson, can you add Rob's SSH key to the bugzilla-test machine as
well? This one is your baby. :)
Updated by Robinson Tryon about 10 years ago
Florian Effenberger wrote:
IMHO Cloph suggested to use the newdesign machine for the BSA testing. I
Robinson, can you add Rob's SSH key to the bugzilla-test machine as
well? This one is your baby. :)
Sure -- I'd be happy to, but I don't have access to newdesign to grab his key :-) Where may I find it?
(I tried to run a remote command on newdesign via salt, but got a 'no minions matched' error)
Updated by Florian Effenberger about 10 years ago
- Due date changed from 2014-12-14 to 2015-01-14
What's the status, Robinson? Has Rob access now?
Updated by Robinson Tryon about 10 years ago
Florian Effenberger wrote:
What's the status, Robinson? Has Rob access now?
I've added Rob's key to the test VM, but I need to add him to the salt config so that his access will persist after I update the config of the server, otherwise I just overwrite the changes. I'll check with Alex to make sure I get all of the salt details structured correctly.
Updated by Florian Effenberger about 10 years ago
Please treat this with high priority, and ideally try to get Alex on IRC - Rob has been waiting for too long, and we should have handled this ASAP - thanks!
Updated by Rob Snelders about 10 years ago
But what is the loginname to use for the bugzilla-test-server?
Updated by Rob Snelders about 10 years ago
I checked with cloph. And he thought that maybe you used the bugzilla user where I should login with. But I can't login with that.
Updated by Florian Effenberger about 10 years ago
- Assignee changed from Robinson Tryon to Christian Lohmaier
I now gave Cloph a call, and asked him to create Rob a user with root
rights to this machine, so hopefully this is finally solved.
Robinson: Seems your Salt didn't work, at least I can't see any user Rob
can login with. Anyways, Cloph is about to set that up now.
Updated by Christian Lohmaier about 10 years ago
I added the user to salt with his key and added him as admin user to the bugzilla host - the pw however is a generated one that he needs to change after he logged in for the first time.
Updated by Florian Effenberger about 10 years ago
Thanks - did you mail him the password and the username?
Updated by Christian Lohmaier about 10 years ago
username is ertai – also sent via mail.
Updated by Florian Effenberger about 10 years ago
The user did not get added to the VM - I talk to Cloph on the phone in 35 minutes, will raise this then directly
Updated by Christian Lohmaier about 10 years ago
I guess there is misunderstandings here.
Rob already was added to the newdesign host last year - that's newdesign@vm134.documentfoundation.org - we used a shared account for working on the site there
I recently added him to the bugzilla installation host, and that is ertai@vm150.documentfoundation.org , as that is what I thought was missing.
If Rob cannot login, then he sent us a wrong key/he is using the wrong key to login.
Updated by Florian Effenberger about 10 years ago
- Assignee changed from Christian Lohmaier to Rob Snelders
Ah, ok, then this seems to be my misunderstanding - I wrote earlier
bugzilla-test is the right one
So, to conclude:
Rob, you should be able to login at newdesign@vm134 and ertai@vm150 now
Can you check that?
Updated by Florian Effenberger about 10 years ago
Thanks a lot, and sorry for the delay here!
Updated by Robinson Tryon about 10 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
The future existence of the BSA is unclear, but at least for the time being, the BSA-related migration tasks are finished, so marking this as resolved.
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 9 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
Ticket can be closed now I think, with the guided forms in place